DAM product logo paired with marketing cloud logo


Share branded collections of assets with control and flexibility. Give your teams and partners access to the assets they need – they don’t even need to be a user of your digital asset management (DAM) system.


How Portals Works

Use Cases

Channel Portal

Give dealers and distributors access to a digital catalog of product assets and attributes.

Brand Guidelines

Equip those representing your brand with standards, logos, colors, typography, and other key assets.

Sales Enablement

Supply sales teams with the most recent version of collateral and customer examples.

Share With Anyone, Anytime

Need to share a bunch of assets with a specific audience? That’s no problem with Portals.

  • Give internal and external stakeholders access to the assets they need
  • Control access to portals with expiration dates and three security settings: public, access code required, or login required
  • Provide access to portals by sharing a link, embedding them in web pages, or connecting them to Salesforce
  • Help your regional teams and partners access the right content by translating portals into more than 12 languages
Picture of someone using Acquia's DAM product
Picture of someone using Acquia's DAM product

Easy To Create and Maintain

Portals builds on the organization, permissions, and version control established in the DAM system.

  • Create beautiful, branded portals with navigation, stylized headers, and columns without any coding
  • Use dynamic galleries to pull in new assets from the DAM system based on a criteria you identify
  • Automatically display the most recent file version when a master file in the DAM system is updated
  • Generate a portal using the products and attributes you’ve configured for a given channel

Portal Types

Templates are used to give you a jump start on building your portal.


Share assets and collections in this quick and easy branded experience.


Share your logos, font styles, and color palettes in a polished environment with a custom layout.


Share product detail pages with dealers, distributors, and retailers using channels.


Share videos with an enhanced display and viewing experience with playlists and a night theme.


Acquia DAM product interface screenshots
Video Thumbnail
Screenshot of Acquia's DAM product

Alliance Laundry Systems Distributes On-Brand Content

See how Alliance Laundry uses Portals to support sales enablement and streamline workflows.

Read the Alliance Laundry Case Study

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Explore the Other Features Behind DAM and PIM


Catalog, control, and distribute rich media assets from a central source of truth


Enrich product data with marketing copy and digital assets for distribution


Track and measure assets and build site performance dashboards


Create localized web-to-print collateral on brand and on demand


Streamline collaboration, reviews, and approvals with online proofing