Acquia DAM Features

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Centralize All Sorts of Assets

See what you’re working with — literally and figuratively. View and interact with hi-resolution previews for a wide range of file formats.


Podcasts, music, sound effects, and mnemonics.

Brand Guidelines

Messaging, visual styles, and values.


Sell sheets, legal, reports, and scripts.


Illustrations, logos, photographs, camera raw, and 360° spin photography.


Whitepapers, slide decks, and e-books.


Final produced pieces, short versions for social, comp reels, b-roll, and training.


InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator files.

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Organize and Search

Maximize the use of your content. Give users a variety of options to find exactly what they need.


Make browsing a snap with a category menu. Users can drill down through a menu structure to find or discover the assets, products, and templates they need.


Design a metadata schema that reflects your unique business processes and structure. Unlimited options allow your site to be as simple or sophisticated as you'd like.


Pull together assets for your own personal project or share with a team to collaborate on a campaign or other project.

Faceted Search

Turn controlled metadata values, numeric ranges, or date fields into powerful search filters.

Version Control

Track file iterations and retain the related metadata values. Duplicate filenames trigger conflicts that can be added as versions.

Predictive Search

Use predictive search to complete the text entered in the search bar based on filenames, category names, and metadata fields.

Keyword Search

Enter terms for a search across all metadata fields and values.

Advanced Search

Limit your search to specific metadata fields to return precise date ranges, file formats, or other values.

Related Assets

Discover assets that are similar based on metadata, product associations, or visual style.


Keep content accessible at the end of its lifecycle for long-term.

Upload Cloud Icon

Asset Uploads and Metadata

Maximize the use of your content. Give users a variety of options to find exactly what they need.

Metadata Importer

Map metadata for batch processes, such as uploading assets from a photoshoot, updating products, or importing assets from another DAM system.

Upload Profiles

Define default metadata for different profiles to streamline the asset upload and approval process.

Upload via a Smart Workflow

Upload files and folders effortlessly using this drag-and-drop tool. Apply default metadata, categories, and security, or use the guided wizard to assign custom data.

API Upload and Edits

Upload, add metadata, and other tasks are all possible through the API.

Filename to Metadata Mapping

Use the structure in your file naming convention to populate metadata fields.

Product Attributes

Pull in product attributes from Entries and use them as asset metadata.

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Integrations to Keep Your Content In Sync

Make DAM the central hub for your assets, coordinating the flow of files and metadata between design creation tools and marketing distribution tools.

Creative Editing Integrations

Allow creatives to search for and add assets from Acquia DAM to Adobe Creative Cloud, Microsoft Office, and other design files.

Project Management Integrations

Don’t leave the important information behind. Pull final files with metadata from the project management system with the click of a button.

Product Information Management Integrations

Deliver high-quality product content across sales channels at scale with a bi-directional asset and metadata sync.

Content Management Integrations

Build websites and pages faster by making on-brand assets in Acquia DAM available for web teams in the CMS.

Plus, Many More Integrations

See Acquia DAM Integrations

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Access Up-to-Date, Approved Content

Keep projects moving forward across regions and time-zones with self-serve access.

Branded Login Page

Begin your user experience with your login page. Brand it with a logo, color scheme, and hero graphic that tells your story.

Dashboard Messages

Target specific user groups with permissioned, customized dashboard messages to highlight key assets, brand guidelines, and product launches.

Workflow Visibility

Gain visibility and insight into your creative lifecycle as concepts evolve into distributable assets.

Time-based access

Control access to assets with release and expiration dates.

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Coordinate Distribution Across Channels

Send assets to teams or systems to support sales, marketing, and e-commerce operations.

Share Links

Include this link in an email or instant message to give others easy access to an asset preview, with an option to download the file.

Embed Codes

Create a block of HTML text to embed in a webpage, email, or other online source.

Create Once Publish Everywhere (COPE)

Maintain one master asset and update versions everywhere online.


Share curated sets of assets with control and flexibility in a beautiful branded webpage. No coding required.


Create web and print collateral on demand using your centralized digital assets.


Import, deliver, and sync data across software tools. Connect data with managed integrations, prebuilt connectors, ready-to-use plugins, and REST API.

Global Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Give users up-to-date, high-speed, and low-latency access to assets securely, with our CDN, Amazon CloudFront.

Data Exports

Export product listings, user information, metadata, order and upload history, asset search results, and more.

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Artificial Intelligence

A helping hand that’s powered by computer vision...and always working. Generate metadata 100x faster than manual processing, at a 90% lower cost, in 53 languages.


Use AI-powered auto tagging to apply keywords that make files instantly searchable.

AI Starter Packs

Industry-specific AI starter packs available for travel, apparel, and food.

Custom AI-Tagging Models

Use your data to teach the AI tools how to recognize and apply keywords that are specific to your products or business.

Visually Similar Search

Quickly find images that are similar without needing words to describe it.

AI Assistant Chatbot in Workflow

Get AI generated copy and design ideas in the comments functionality of the Workflow proofer.

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Paths Notifications

Set up rule-based notifications to alert users of events throughout the content and product lifecycle. No coding required.


Trigger a path when assets are added to an asset group, assets are going to expire, or when a new product is created in the Entries app.

Add Criteria

Refine path notifications using asset groups, controlled vocabulary metadata fields, or categories.

Custom Notifications

Enter one or more recipient email addresses, a subject line, and email text.

Insert Variables

Use variables to automatically pull information about the trigger event you selected into your email, like number of assets, asset share links, or product details links.

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Asset Transformations

Manage one original file and use Acquia DAM to optimize the asset for any given channel – in real time.

Image Conversions on the Fly

Resize, crop, or convert images into a specific size, DPI, color space, or format.

Video Conversions on the Fly

Convert files into a specific bitrate, frame rate, or pixel width and height.

Dynamic Embed Codes

Programatically change the format, adjust the size, set the crop, and set the background color.

Web Setting

Choose to embed an image using the web setting and the DAM will select the optimal format for the channel and characteristics of the asset.

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Improve marketing efficiency with content analytics. The Insights app reveals who’s using your content, when, where, and how. Use it to save costs, steer your marketing budget, and justify your investment in DAM technology.

Asset Insights

See asset activity and engagement. Filter down events to see where they are happening. Group events by time frame, file format, and other ways to combine data in meaningful ways.

Sitewide Analytics

With data on searches, shares, embeds, views, downloads, and more, you can see where your content really goes.

Export Your Insights

Export your filtered data to a CSV for further analysis or download a PNG image of your chart to include it in a presentation for stakeholders. Use the Insights API to connect your asset-level data to business intelligence (BI) tools.

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Administrate with Granular Controls

Share all or selections of your product catalog with ease. Sync product data to e-commerce platforms, marketplaces, and websites. Share a channel portal with distributor.


Place your users into permissioned roles based on department, job, or any other function. Each Collective site can accommodate over 150 different roles, for enterprise governance.

Asset Groups

Secure your content by using assets groups to control the files each role is able to view, order, edit, or delete.

Read-Only Data

Lock down fields to ensure accurate data.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Remove login obstacles and increase security by automatically authenticating users. SAML 2.0, LDAP, OpenID, Simple One-Way HTTP, and customer integrations supported.

Asset Release and Expiration Dates

Set default asset release and expiration dates and permission them by user role.

End-User License Agreement (EULA)

Customize the EULA upon login, and configure order and download settings to align with your legal requirements.

Site Level Analytics

Track user-engagement metrics, including login, download, and search activity. Our dashboards are loaded with “must track” sitewide asset engagement and user activity.


Stop screen capture reuse by adding visible watermarks to previews. Set visible or hidden watermarks on downloads by user group.

Conversion Formats

Determine conversion formats that display when you download or share assets. Image, audio, and video conversions can be user-role specific.

Enterprise Security

Rely on the durability of SOC 2-compliant Amazon infrastructure. Data is transferred over SSL, encrypted at rest, and backed up in cold storage.

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